a letter
from the
At Redeemer Church, there are a few things that we hold tightly to:
First is the Word of God. Everything we do, from Sunday Gatherings, Family Groups, Core Seminars, Children's Ministry, and Youth Ministry is centered around the Bible. We teach expositionally, meaning line by line through books of the Bible because we want to hear and be edified by the whole counsel of scripture.
The second is family. We believe that church is a family, and we want to live in that way. Because of the blood of Christ, we are now brothers and sisters that are called to encourage, support, love, and care for one another.
The third is action. We do not want to be a "holy huddle" or a "Christian clique." Our prayer is that as we are instructed by the word of God, we leave every Sunday morning as the hands and feet of Christ to love and serve Morgan County. We will pursue a life of holiness, and serve our homes, workplace, community, and county with the love of Christ. We will show the same grace and mercy that was shown to us.
The last is peace. We believe that the gift Christ gives in new and eternal life brings a peace and comfort in our souls so that we never thirst again. Life is hard and sometimes seems unbearable, but the gospel message is that Christ will give us a "peace that surpasses all understanding" (Philippians 4:7).
I hope you will visit us soon- I would love to meet you!
Gabe Dodd
Lead Pastor